Editor & Publisher -
E&P is the authoritative journal covering all aspects of the newspaper industry.
Editor & Publisher is the source for newspaper professionals who need information and tools to compete in today’s ever-changing market.
It’s a high-tech world that’s changing as fast as some editors change headlines. It’s a world where decisions are critical to a publication’s success. It’s a world where print isn’t dead, but where digital has become a bigger and bigger part of the mix for those who are succeeding. It’s a world where a century-old trade journal, E&P, found new meaning by focusing on and reporting about today’s publishers and what they are doing to change their companies to successfully compete in the new media landscape.
We’re in a period the likes of which no one has seen since the first paper rolled off the presses more than two centuries ago at the nation’s oldest continuously operating newspaper, the Hartford Courant, and E&P informs and stands at the forefront of an industry often denigrated by disinformation that is confused for fact. E&P reports on the industry’s many publishers, circulation, technology, and production people who are creating the media platform for the 21st century.
Editor & Publisher was established in 1884.
What's New in the Latest Version 4.17.2
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