EdenCity Chat, Flirt & Games -
Flirt, date and play with singles, couples, friends or with your partner.
EdenCity is among the most popular Chat communities in the german speaking region.
Meet thousands of online users who you can instantly contact in one on one chats or play with them.
With our exciting live games, you can pass the time between Flirts and stimulating conversations.
Meet, Flirt, Date and play with interesting new people from your region in Edencity.
In the user list you can find all chatters that are currently online.
Using the sort function you can divide users into gender and origin lists.
To view another users visiting card click on their picture or on the VK symbol. By clicking on their name you can write them a message.
By clicking on the Messages button you can read, answer or delete Messages from other users.
Visiting Card:
Under the Tab VK you can create a visiting card and upload pictures to introduce yourself to the other users.
The sub-item “Last Visitor” shows you the users who last viewed your visiting card.
In dating you can meet great new people and find out if they are interested in you too.
Simply click through the users and send a date request to the ones you are interested in.
Other users can respond accordingly, and if both agree, you have a date.
In “Settings“ you can log out of your present alias to then log in with a different one, you can also edit the dating settings as well as the distance radius of the user list.
Become a member of the community as an Edencity inhabitant and get the following extra features:
-Your alias becomes white, password protected and will be at the top of the user list.
-View pictures on other users visiting cards in large.
-Your Messages to other users will be forwarded by priority this means they will be received before messages from guests.
-You will receive a message history so you can follow the course of the conversation.
-Find new chat partners in your area by using the distance radius function in the userlist.
-Mark your favorites and find their alias easily at the top of the userlist.
-Take part in the dating and meet interesting new people in the shortest possible time.
The inhabitant access will be offered to you at various points in the App as “In App Purchase” this means you can receive inhabitant status in the App without an additional download.
The inhabitant Eden 'Daily access' (€ 1.49-) is valid for one day.
The inhabitant Eden 'Monthly access’ (€ 14.99-) will not be renewed and expires automatically after one month (32 days). But can be extended manually.
Visit us at Edencity.de for numerous extras for Guests and even more for Inhabitants. Such as Video and Party chats or our exciting live games for example Texas Hold Em, Backgammon, Canasta, Skat and Chess.
Register today and meet lots of interesting new people!
Terms of use: http://www.edencity.de/chat.php?cu=terms-of-use
Privacy Policy: http://www.edencity.de/chat.php?cu=privacy-policy
What's New in the Latest Version 3.8
Last updated on Sep 5, 2015 - design and performance improvements- bugfixes