
EasyEngineerPro Business Office
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 7
  • 3.07MB

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Electrical app and engineer.

With EasyEngineer you have more than 200 engineering calculations available, divided in 6 areas. It's a huge amount of calculations capacity and a helpful tool for the daily work.

Areas included:

- Electrical

- Chemical

- Mechanical

- Communications (only antennas)

- Conversions

- Electronic

Electric area:

- DC Motors starting current

- DC Motors current after start

- DC Motors Induced voltage

- DC Motors Net voltage in the armature

- DC Motors Mechanical power developed by the motor

- AC Motors speed

- AC Motors torque

- Footcandles & Lux

- Footcandles & Lumens

- Lux & Lumens

- Light level at a point

- Average reduced carbon dioxide

- Average reduced Sulphur Dioxide

- Average reduced Nitrogen Oxides

- Spacing between fixtures

- Light output ratio of luminaire

- Room index

- Wind power

- Kinetic energy

- Turbine power vs wind speed

- Annual energy output

- Energy consumption estimation

- Power calculations

- Power factor calculations

- Photovoltaic (PV) solar panel calculations

- Photovoltaic (PV) solar battery calculations

Communications area:

- Ground planes antennas

- Halfwave verticals antennas

- Quad antennas

- 5/8th wave vertical antennas

- Camera MPEG-4 CIF bandwith calculator

- Camera MPEG-4 4CIF bandwith calculator

- Camera H264 CIF bandwith calculator

- Camera H264 4CIF bandwith calculator

- VOIP calculations

- g.711-64.00kibps

- g.722-48.00kibps

- g.722-64.00kibps

- g.723.1-6.10kibps

- g.729a-8.00kibps

- iLBC-15.20kibps

- GSM-13.00kibps

- Ipc-2.50kibps

- g.726-32.00kibps

- RAID disk calculations

Chemical area:

- Ideal Gas law

- Boyle's/Mariotte Law

- Charle's law

- Equivalent Oxygen Weight

- Ether extract

- Estimate Fatty acid

- Oxidizing and reducing agents

- Estimation solution protein

- Estimation of calcium

Mechanical area:

- Spur gears circular pitch

- Spur gears diamentral pitch

- Spur gears pitch diameter

- Spur gears addendum

- Spur gears outside diameter

- Spur gears number of teeth

- Spur gears Dedendum

- Spur gears working depth

- Spur gears whole depth

- Spur gears clearance

- Spur gears center distance

- Spur gears base diameter

- Spur gears pressure angle

- Specific gravity with water

- Flow rate

- Fluid pressure

- Absolute pressure

- Manning flow velocity

- Minor losses

- Specific volume

- Pump eficiency

- Stokes law

- Darcy law

- Mean depth

- Parshall flow rate

- Area of cross section (pipes)

- Weight in pounds (pipes)

- Moment of inertia (pipes)

- Section modulus (pipes)

- Radius of gyration (pipes)

- Break power (pumps)

- Specific speed PD pumps

- Pump displacement


- Centimeters

- Feet

- Inch

- Milimeters

- Candelas

- Lambert

- Nit

- Stilb

- Footcandle

- Lux

- Nox

- Lumens/square meter


- Watt/hour

- Joule

- Gallons (US) of Kerosene

- Celsius

- Fahrenheit

- Kelvin

- Rankine

Electronic area:

- Coil inductive reactance

- Q of a coil

- Coil self-capacitance

- Inductance od a single layer coil

- AC resistance

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