Dimensioni del se - Eventi olistici e benessere -
Dedicated Events to Wellness, Soul Searching, Yoga and Spirituality
Self -size is the app dedicated to wellness.
A tool to find with the utmost simplicity all the Italian events related to the well -being of the body, spirit, mind and nature, on dates and places of your interest!
Self -dimensions are divided into four areas of interest: body, mind, spirit, nature.
Body dimension: vitality, movement, energy and healing (yoga, martial arts, dance therapy, massage, reiki, flower therapy, music therapy, etc.)
Mind dimension: balance, personal development, self -understanding (psychotherapy, mindfulness, hypnosis, counseling, motivational approaches, etc.)
Spirit dimension: Research of truth, contact with the soul and with the true self (spirituality, meditation, mantra, self enquiry, advaita Vedanta, shamanism, astrology, etc.)
Nature dimension: Harmony with mother earth, relationship and mutual care between man and nature (decrease, conscious nutrition, km 0, permaculture, sustainability, organic agriculture, etc.)
Self -dimensions is a platform in which to promote your activities, or in which to search for interesting initiatives through the sharing of information, useful data, calendars of courses, workshops, training, conferences, meetings, and events.
We are pleased to share a tool that we hope can support a network of connections and contacts in the world of holistic well -being in Italy.
What's New in The Latest Version 2.0.1
Last Updated on May 12, 2019 We release updates periodically to ensure the constant absence of bugs and errors in our app.Have a good trip to the size of the self