Diabetes Plus Type2 -
DiabetesPlus for type2 diabetics helps you improving your diabtics documentation
Developed by diabetics for diabetics. DiabetesPlus for type2 diabetics helps you improving your diabtics documentation. Finally there is an application, which is specifically designed to fit the needs of type2 diabetics.
Administer your blood glucose (mg/dl and mmol/l), carbohydrates, sport activities, blood pressure, pulse, weight, notes and all your medication simply and effectively with DiabetesPlus for type2 diabetics on your Android-Smartphone.
Generate pdf-files with all relevant data and email them to your doctor or print them within seconds.
- Administration of measurements: blood glucose (mg/dl and mmol/l), medication, carbohydrates, sport activities, blood pressure, pulse, weight and notes
- Optional administration of insulin dosages (short and long acting)
- Define your glucose target range
- Clear illustration due to coloured indicators
- Line graphs of your blood glucose
- Graphical reporting of target values
- Calculation of important statistics
- PDF-Export designed like the known diabetes diarys
- Email the pdf to your doctor or to yourself