Datter -
Free dating app that guarantee a meeting proposal after a match!
Are you tired of awkward and endless first conversations with the person you are attracted to? On Datter after finding match you won’t talk to each other but you will go straight on a date! Meet new people that perfectly matches your preferences. Don’t waste your time on pointless conversations – meet and see if it clicks.
‘A little less conversation, a little more action please’ – Elvis Presley
With our authorization requirements you can be sure that you are talking to a real person, not a fake profile.
How does it work?
1. Register via Facebook
2. Tell us about yourself – fill out your profile
3. Tell us who are you looking for – what features should he or she has
4. After a while both of you will get a date proposal in time and place that fits you. You have 60 minutes to approve it.
5. You have a date! Don’t be late!
No Ads! No Spam! No Fake profiles!
Datter is a game changer! Start playing for free!