datHKG -
The new Android Hong Kong Gordon (HKGolden) reading application.Rebirth
***Please rated low scores for “Don’t load/ datHKG slow/cantal-ability to connect to the server”. Rating for relevant reasons will only make everyone unpleasant, and more reflects that you may not have enough ability to use any high-dens app. Please forgive. ***
fb page: https://na.cx/dat
datHKG for new Android Hong Kong Gao Den (HKGolden) reading app.
datHKG has a large number of well-written features, including:
- Opening a record
- Reading post records
- Stay Name Sync (Please Enter manually)
- This issue is popular (who provided by http://grabgold.tk)
- Intermediate Server (https://github.com/Saren-Arterius/hkgpx)
(Even the SmarTone user that usually doesn't get on GaoDen can go to Gaoden #hehe#)
- See the picture and pack
- Sticker Inner Search
- Customized Icon
- Show post quotes
- Patch cache
- Tap to suppose the image
-Click the image size/network to automatically load the image
- Blocks members
- Owner Mode
- Only the select member reply
- Complete Profile (Wine Style Glue/Member Information Field Change)
- Change Gaoden Plastic Name / Change Password
- Open the post to return the post draft
- Privacy password protection
- Image upload (http://na.cx, http://holland.pk)
- Picture compression
- Private message
- Remaining a new reply automatic inspection
- New Private Message Automatic
- Layout Theme (Can Use Other High-Den App Topic list –)
- Custom color
- the body
... and other functions, failed to record
The following functions have not yet been realized:
- RSA encryption
- Unlimited Bug Works
permission explanation:
- android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATTE: Detection of devices is using networks (wifi/3g/4g) and load the image by setting
- Android.permission.INTERNET: Not need to be explained
- android.permission.READ_EXTER_STORAGE: Share the picture temporarily deposit folder/see picture
- android.permission.WRITE_ETNAL_STORAGE: Share pictures folder folder/see picture
- Android.permission.RECEIVE_BOT_COOT_COMPLEETED: Automatically activates new reply/New Private Message Check
- com.android.venting
What's New in the Latest Version 0.0.8l
Last update on Sep 5, 2015 - Default Settings: Try to repair the old API icon- Default Settings: Coercion Awaiting Quote/Pictures