Clan RTVE -
Enjoy videos Clan series and the Chamber Clanner
Enjoy whenever and wherever you want the best Clan series on your smartphone or Tablet: Trolls, Peppa Pig; Ricky Zoom, Simón, Gormiti, Pocoyo, ... Lots of episodes, contests and activities for the little ones in a safe environment. In the new extras section you can access new games, activities and surprises.
The new version of the app is more stable, fast and easy to use. Being able to set the preferences of language, age and favorites. It includes direct access to contests so you don't miss an opportunity. For more information about the contests, go to
Clan is a window to the best of the web content for children of RTVE and the Spanish TV kid's channel. A selection of shows like "Pocoyo", "Trolls", "Peppa Pig" and many more. Watch videos in spanish and english to help your children learn and coloring.
Any suggestions or problems, send us an email to [email protected]
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