Chapel Hill Transit -
Get real time departures with Chapel Hill Transit App.
Get real time departure information and vehicle tracking for Chapel Hill Transit services.Real time predictions are provided by Next Bus.
Program Features:
1) Track real time departures for Chapel Hill Transit agency.
2) Set up reminders for the earliest next departure for any stop, any route.
3) Save locations of your favorite stops and set up proximity alerts to fire when you approach near them.
3) Add or delete any locations of interest to you. User has full control over managing locations of interest.
5) Get a full map view of your saved locations.
6) Get Route Schedule Calendar on any route served by Chapel Hill Transit.
7) Get real time vehicle tracking on any route.
What's New in the Latest Version 2.7
Last updated on Oct 13, 2016 Improved route schedule calendar load times.Improved user interface and fixed minor bugs