Bus Sevilla (TUSSAM)

Bus Sevilla (TUSSAM) Travel
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.0
  • 3.51MB

Bus Sevilla (TUSSAM) -

Estimates and More in Your Pocket For Urban Transport in Sevilla!

Bus Sevilla arrives at Googleplay!

Know all the information of the urban buses of Seville on your smartphone:

*Estimated arrival time at a stop of the next two buses.

*Keep your favorite stops to have faster access to buses that will arrive.

*Stops close to your position, visualized on a map, so you can access the estimates.

*Information of the lines that pass through each stop.

*Trajects of each line, with the stops in order from the beginning of the journey to the end of the way.

*Material Design interface, perfectly integrated with the latest versions of Android.

Problems with the application, suggestions or any comments you can send me an email to [email protected]

Seville bus score and enjoy the application!



Bus Sevilla does not compute the estimates of the different bus lines, these data are extracted from third -party services that in no case can I control. At some point of the day the data is not available (for reasons outside me) or are not as precise as they should be. Therefore I remind you that they are only estimates and that they should not be taken as the exact times of arrivals.

Finally say that Bus Sevilla is developed in my free time and has no relationship with the Urban Transportation Company of Seville (Tussam).


They are detailed below for each of the application permits to be requested:

- Approximate location (network -based) and precise location (network -based and GPS): It is used to indicate the stops near your position.

-Access to the network: you allow the application to connect to the Internet to be able to show you the estimates of Seville's buses.

-Read the configuration of Google services: it allows you to use the Google location service to position you better.

-Amacement and SD: Allows the application to save preferences and cache the maps on the mobile for a better use of the application.

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