Best Controller Settings for FragPunk

FragPunk is a 5v5 first-person shooter, where players are given Shard Cards that change the dynamics of the match. While trying out different heroes is great, it's not much fun if you're not skillful enough. The first step to improving is to test out the best controller settings for FragPunk.

Best FragPunk Controller Settings

The Controller settings tab shows the layout of your controller and which button is assigned to what action. You can change this as per your liking and even set different layouts for different Lancers/heroes. While we're at controls, don't forget to choose the best crosshairs in FragPunk. Now, let's talk about other important controller settings.

Controller Sensitivity Settings in Fragpunk

Before checking out my recommended controller sensitivity settings, I want you to note that these values are subjective and vary from person to person. Therefore, it's best to play the game and change values at your convenience.

Look Sensitivity1
Invert Camera Y-AxisOff
Camera Y-Axis Sensitivity0.6
Camera Sensitivity Custom
ADS Controller Sensitivity Multiplier0.6 (don't increase this too much as lower sens helps you aim better with more accuracy)
View Input Curve1.7 (increase the value for a slower sens when the stick is slightly pushed)
Movement Stick Deadzone0.1 (totally depends on your controller, increase the value until your character stops moving without pushing the left stick)
View Stick Deadzone0.1 (also subjective like the last setting, but for right stick)
Turning Ramp-up Delay0
Turning Ramp-up to Max Time0.3
Turning Extra Yaw (Not Aiming) 2 (increase for faster horizontal movement)
Turning Extra Pitch (Not Aiming)2 (increase for faster vertical movement)
Turning Extra Yaw (Aiming)2
Turning Extra Pitch (Aiming)2
Cursor Sensitivity3 (cursor sens for menu screens, so best to keep it higher as you will not need it to aim)
Controller VibrationOff (personal preference)
Controller Aim AssistOn (must be enabled for a competitive edge)

General Settings - Fragpunk

In the General tab, you can use the following inputs to get the best experience in Fragpunk, whether playing on a controller or with a mouse and keyboard.

Anti-Motion Sickness Camera DefaultApply (it disables unnecessary effects like camera shake, sprint FOV scaling, depth of field, and dynamic blur)
Auto ClimbingOff (keep auto-mantling disabled so you don't accidentally climb on surfaces while jumping)
Auto SprintOn
Switch Weapon On Pick UpOn
Flash Eye Guarding ModOn (no bright white light when flashed)
Target GuideOn
Paint Road GuideOn
Interactable Door HighlightsOn
Default Scope MagnificationLow Magnification (so your scope reverts to normal zoom after re-aiming)
Keep Player CenteredOff
Minimap Size1 (increase if you have a large monitor and sit afar)
Minimap Zoom0.8 (lower to show more of the map but not much that the details become obscure)
Display Location Name On MinimapOn
Minimap Location Name Zoom0.5
Minimap OrientationRotate (I prefer this as rotating minimap is easier to understand, but change to Fixed if unfamiliar)

Besides Sensitivity, these were the main settings that you need to alter or just have a look at to perform better in the game. You must also play with the video and audio settings to set them to your liking or what your computer allows, depending on the specifications.

For more on Fragpunk, check out How to Fix Network Error in FragPunk on Pro Game Guides.