beOrganized Lite

beOrganized Lite Business Office
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.18
  • 2.06MB

beOrganized Lite -

Google Calendar and Tasks easily together

Our groundbreaking beOrganized Calendar and Tasks lets you easily arrange and re-arrange your day using an intuitive agenda view.

•Events and to-do’s on one, easy-to-view list

•Every action completed with a minimum number of taps.

•Full sync with Google Calendar (TM) and Google Tasks.

** This is a free version. Please consider buying the full version for:


*Voice recognition to quickly add events and tasks

*No ads **

beOrganized provides:

•Full sync with Google tasks

•Both local and Google sync modes

•Every action completed with a minimum number of taps.

•Add items directly on the selected day

•Move tasks to other days with just 2 taps.

•Multiple, color coded calendars

•Events and to-do’s on one, easy-to-view list

•Options: Show/hide completed tasks

•Options: Select default calendar

•Options: Alternative time and date formats

•Arranging and re-arranging your day made simple and intuitive.

Tags: calendar, tasks, agenda, business calendar, Google Calendar (TM), Google Tasks, CalenGoo (TM), Pocket Informant (TM), Jorte (TM), calendar pro, agenda widget, calendar widget

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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