
beeWear Newsletter Social
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.4.0
  • 4.03MB

beeWear -

Quickly check-in from Phone or Android Wear. It suggest near your known venues.

A specialized check in app for Swarm (aka Foursquare).

It suggests when you near previously visited venues, from your smartphone or Android Wear device.


* Check in suggestions:

* Power save: It doesn't use GPS in default. Saves power using fused location, which efficiently determines the location of your device.

* Push enabled: Uses push to automatically update your check in status if checked in using another app or device. You won't receive notifications again on the same day.

* Ready Android Wear: Instantly check in using an Android Wear equipped smart watch.



* Your feedback is highly appreciated.

* This app has requires the "Google Play Service".

* This app will work on Android 2.3.3 or newer. However RECOMMEND (for power-saving and better precision) environment is Android 4.4 (KitKat) or newer; And set enable the "Scanning always available" at the Wi-Fi settings.


* This application uses the foursquare® application programming interface but is not endorsed or certified by Foursquare Labs, Inc. All of the foursquare® and Swarm® logos (including all badges) and trademarks displayed on this application are the property of Foursquare Labs, Inc.

What's New in the Latest Version 1.4.0

Last updated on Oct 18, 2015 1.4.0:
* Added the keyword search. (handheld)
* A update interval of a location is shorten while the main screen is opened. (handheld)
* A list of the main screen, it become able to distinguish between the BeenHere and the Too far, It means out of notification range. (handheld)
* Improved the load of a list of the main screen (handheld).
* Fixed a difference of distance to venue between a list of the main screen and the suggest notification.
* Fixed a bug that occurs a crash. Thanks for report.

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