Aura Library

Aura Library Educational Learning
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 4.0.8
  • 6.42MB

Aura Library -

Your (school) media library always at hand! Search, reserve, renew ...

With the Aura Library app you will never forget to return a book! See immediately which items you have in your possession and when you have to return them. And if you still need the book, you can easily renew the loan.

You no longer have to ask if an item is available, because with the app you can easily look it up in the catalog of your (school) media library and you can immediately place a reservation. Then you will also receive a message when your reserved item is ready!

With the Aura Library App you can:

- search in the catalog of your (school) media library

- see which materials you have borrowed

- see when you have to hand them in at the latest

- see how much fine you have

- renew your material online

- see which titles you have borrowed in the past

- reserve equipment

- view theme lists

- write and read reviews

- see the presence of items

- see which reservations you have

- receive a message when a reserved book is ready for you

- use your phone as a library card thanks to the built-in barcode

- receive and view alerts

The Aura Library app is part of the Aura Online program.

Note: this app only works if your school, company or institution has a subscription with Aura Software. Without this subscription you cannot register and the app will not work.

What's New in the Latest Version 4.0.8

Last updated on Aug 29, 2024 Heb je feedback of tips over de app?
Die horen we zoals altijd graag! Mail ze even naar [email protected]

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