Annabac 2018 Bac ES -
The Reference Application for Review and A Successful Bac ES.
- The reference application to revise and succeed in its baccalaureate, completely free.
You are in Terminale ES: Annabac, n ° 1 of preparation for exams, offers you its application to revise and succeed in your bac.
> 47 Interactive revision routes.
- Carried out by Terminale teachers, in accordance with the 2018 BAC program, this app allows you to revise effectively, in the four matters with strong coefficients of the ES BAC: SES, History-geography, math and philosophy.
- On all the themes of the program, you can access progressive revision paths including:
- Audio lessons
- Revision sheets
- Quiz of 5 to 10 questions
- Corrected tank subjects
Also, in philosophy, videos on key program issues.
> A personalized revision schedule.
The bac is getting closer: you are 30 or 15, or even 7 days before the exam.
The Annabac Bac ES application offers a personalized revision schedule depending on the time you have and the materials you want to revise.
> A super quiz to estimate your strengths and weaknesses in all materials.
> A dashboard to follow your results and progress.
* The Annabac 2018 Bac ES works outside the Internet connection, to be able to revise anywhere, anytime.
- Description of the application content:
7 Revision route with audio courses, revision sheets, quizs, corrected subjects.
- Economic science: growth, fluctuations and crises / globalization and European integration / economics of sustainable development / class, stratification and social mobility / integration, conflict, social change.
- Crossed views: social justice and inequalities / work, employment, unemployment.
16 Revision journey with audio courses, revision sheets, quizs, corrected subjects.
-History: Memoirs: historical reading / socialism, communism and unionism in Germany since 1875 / public media and public opinion since the Dreyfus case / the United States and the world since 1918 / China and the world since 1949 / The Near and the Middle East, since 1918 / Govern a nation state: France since 1946 / Government on a continental scale: the project of a political Europe the global scale: economic governance since 1944.
- Geography: globalization in operation / Territories in globalization / the American continent / United States and Brazil / the African continent / South and East / Japan and China Asia.
Mathematics :
9 Revision journey with audio courses, quizs, corrected subjects.
- Analysis: Suites / concept of continuity over an interval / exponential functions / Neper Logarithm function / Convexity / Integration.
- Probabilities and statistics: Packaging / concept of density law / fluctuation interval - Estimate.
Philosophy :
15 Revision routes with videos, audio courses, revision sheets, quizs, corrected subjects.
- The subject: consciousness / unconscious / desire.
- Culture: art / work and technique / religion.
- Reason and reality: demonstration / matter and mind / truth.
- Politics: Society / State / Justice and Law.
- morality: freedom / duty / happiness.
Assistance: Annabac 2018 Bac ES