Am bani de dat !

Am bani de dat ! Simulation Business
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.0.0
  • 24.87MB

Am bani de dat ! -

Do you have money to give? Do you have debts to the state? No problem, we help you! Download!

I have money to give is a free game for the fun of any novel that every day "give money"

This application does not contain manele! It is an application for the fun of each novel.

Play and "I have money to give" + don't forget that you have debts to the state!

Have fun!

Smiley official:



I have money to give

I have state debts (x 3)


Oh no! I have no money in my pocket

I have no lion at least

And I shout: No Tengo Dinero, No Tengo Dinero!

Yooo! I'm just a vagabond,

I have no lion in your account

And I shout: No Tengo Dinero, No Tengo Dinero!


And yo! I left home yesterday

I don't know what you want to ask me

But I say: No Tengo Dinero, No Tengo Dinero!

I know, and tomorrow is the same

Blow the wind in the wallet

(Leave it!) No Tengo Dinero, No Tongo Dinero!

Money flies (x 4)

I have money to give

I have state debts (x 8)


It's dusty and in the safe and in the stomach

And I have nothing to do ... (ba!) Nanc

No Tengo Dinero, No Tengo Dinero!


But yes I am Romanian in my country

I am officially good

Yes' No Tengo Dinero, No Tongo Dinero!

I have money to give

I have state debts (x 8)

Don Baxter:

I drink again not why but again

I have money to give to the state only thousands of euros

But I don't give them anything, aa, no, I don't want to

I have nothing to pass my name

Now I would not have any 'property at the sea

I only have dust 'give big drum

That sounds my boc-boc, boc-boc in my head

You have money to give, yes you have nothing to take

So co ard like haiducilu '7 horses

I catch the girls Pa horse as in the kidnapping of the Serai

I don't take them to the palace, I take them to a friend

I take soap soapoveds so you have to make the money fly (x 4)

I have money to give

I have state debts (x 8)



Mucisimo to the sock and mattress how chucho does

I am lazy to count his day, the day that she is getting at night

And statu 'does not sleep makes you put your hand in the bag and give it the part

The Treasury puts us all in scare when knocking on the door

It gets caught up with you and you come to burn it with the lighter like a tick

You have money to give, Tamara is not your aunt

You pay freedom tax but stay in a cage

Have no manners, you do as you are asked

Give everything you have in the bag without anything to offer you

Politics class wants me to make a reshuffle

And you beat the rhythm yes' manele in vere radiators

Pamphlet for a defective system

Take credit to pay for more credit, it's not correct

You beat the game and we beat you on the shoulder

You should be beaten by small

With seem ... No number!

I have money to give

I have the state at the state (x 8)

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