Accountancy Ireland Magazine -
Covers financial reporting, audit, company law, tax and business-related topics.
Accountancy Ireland is the official journal of Chartered Accountants Ireland and is published bi-monthly (6 per annum). Accountancy Ireland contains relevant articles by industry experts in financial reporting, audit and risk management, corporate governance, taxation, company law, and general business. The views of contributors to Accountancy Ireland may differ from official Institute policies and are not necessarily endorsed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland, its Council, its committees, or by the editor. The publishers, editor, and authors accept no responsibility for loss resulting from any person acting or refraining from acting because of views expressed or advertisements appearing in the publication. If you are a member of Chartered Accountants Ireland and have login details for this app, you will be able to read most issues of Accountancy Ireland free of charge. If you are not a member of Chartered Accountants Ireland you may purchase single issues.