2016 Presidential Election -
Presidential Election 2016 bring news, polls and videos related to US election.
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US Presidential Election 2016 is to be held on November 8. Do you want live updates for that special occasion?
This app brings all latest news, polls, videos and results of US Election 2016.
Election day 2016 is scheduled on November 8 Tuesday. Most of the US citizens were looking after the exit polls and other stats showing 'who will win the 2016 Presidential Election'. Along with the democratic presidential candidates and republican presidential candidates, there are some independent candidate too for the race.
App Features
★ Live Presidential polls
★ All Latest News about Election
★ Videos related to Election
★ RealTime Twitter updates from Candidates
★ Election Results 2016
Live presidential election result for 2016 will be available in the app on the result day.