2 Bike Racing -
Bike Racing
Bike Racing is popular Game for everybody especially for younger boys and girls, Enjoy with entertainment game for racing 2 bike at the same time.
You need to handle both bike at the same time. Multi player 2 Bike Racing game. Racing moto bike game with double handler bike race. Memory Pickup 2
bikes game like puzzle. You need to remember all the rules as well as take only right symbol otherwise may lost your life for game. Change level
easy level bike, Complex Level bike and challenge to your opposites.
Double Bikes:
- Racing Double Bike with 3D graphics screen.
- Handle both bikes at the same time.
- Change game levels, easy or Hard levels.
- Puzzle or memory game.
- Take only necessary symbols and avoid other one.
- Help is given for make it easy to understand.
- No need for internet connection.
- Sound of bike, can enable or disable by mute sound option.
- Drag left to right your finger for change direction and wisewarsa for right.
- Enjoyable memory game for chilhood because you need to 100% concentration game.